Thursday, July 30, 2009

forays with oars

I'm having trouble committing to my new name. I really need to start a blog/website for a starter portfolio, but I don't want to work under the name Emily Jacobson. I'm pretty sure I want to use the name Emily LoRe.
LoRe is an old family name, from the Italians. My stepfather is concerned that people will pronounce it lore, rhyming with oar. I don't think so, if the R is capitalized.

the question: would people be more likely to rhyme it with "oar" or "foray"?


  1. hi emily, i'm subscribing to yer blog.
    when i saw it, i read it like "foray".
    and i wanna see pictures of your mullet.

  2. i hope we don't incur the wrath ancestors are offended by our familys affinity for ditching the last name. I like yours by the way, it's beautiful.
